

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Winning Enactus nationals

Our one month effort into preparing for this competition did not go to waste! was quite shock to hear that NUS only spent 3 days preparing for it!  During our presentation time, I took control of my nerves and went all out. haha someone said i was the most energetic presenter XD well, seeing the interested faces of the judges fueled me with energy! 

I say everyone did awesome! Leanne finally remember the phrase "Microsoft Surface tablet" I was like "yessss" when I heard it. There's nothing like having most judges complimenting our presentation before stating their questions haha

We felt TP was good competition as their idea was interesting. They had really good presenters in TP team! Their presentation skit made the judges laugh too. 

Interesting thing of the day: someone flirted with Leanne and her poor boyfriend got lost and could enter the room when he got there lol. 

At the after competition party, debi, weijian and I tried to find the Microsoft judge but she didn't come! Then we walk around trying to find the right people to talk to. Like noobs, we were totally quiet compared to the other schools, and didnt know how to exit a (dying) conversation.. Time to learn some networking skills~ On the bright side, we had a very meaningful conversation with germaine, who was super enthusiastic about helping us with the World Cup preparations. 

We stood up all night, talking (or rather listening in) to people and forgotten to eat. Starved to death after the whole thing. Too bad they only served wine... X.x

I totally look forward to World Cup! Not say my favourite country (forever stuck in asia) and we can listen to some great ideas and get inspiration! Full expense covered as well woohoo!

Overwhelmed but excited,

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