

Monday 7 July 2014

Romeo and Juliette BFFs & Random Ramblings about Fate

I'm pretty sure Angela and I are destined to be Romeo and Juliette. Ample of instances

A. Same degree, forever different classes.
How hard is it to coordinate 2 people's timetable? Apparently very. Just as we were going to coordinate to have 1 same class together, fate cruelly played a prank on me. My course registration timing suddenly changed from 4th July to 1st July. Only realized that on 3rd July midnight as I rechecked the start time of Star Wars. It had epically screwed up my hopes and dreams of a good night sleep that night. I had a panic attack. My heart was beating so fast I couldn't possibly lie comfortably on my bed. I sent out an email to the registration course people immediately then went off to play Audition (its a game) to distract myself. Finally at around 3am, I chilled a little and could finally nap a little. Noticed I used the word 'nap'. I jumped out of bed on the first alarm at 8am to start calling the course registration team for advice. ON THE FIRST ALARM. That never happens. I could sleep through 5-7 alarms for a good 1 hour. After 10-20 continuous calls later, ms course reg said I couldn't participate in STAR WARS and apparently i was supposed to recheck my registration timing (you know like some sort of psychic). Regret. Should have checked it a couple of times (you one perhaps monitor if it changes ._.) Too bad for me for not being careful and kiasu about this kind of stuff. Sarcasm aside, I believe this is fate. Fate of angela and I being romeo and juliette. So sorry is I couldn't really control my timetable as I had wished to and things didn't exactly turn out 100% the way I wanted to. I do say I got almost what I wanted and the course reg people was humble and efficient in dealing with this matter. Too humble in fact! Quotes from email "In some cases, it may take us up to a week or so to respond", when in fact it took about a day. It had me worried for a good 30mins as I bawled to my sister about this injustice. I didn't mean for tear to fall, its just all those stress had to have some outlet, ya know.So back to topic..instance of romeo juliette moments

B. Going to the same country to AIESEC volunteering internship but different projects
C. Joining in Enactus together, but accepted into different projects
D. Lets just say it all started when Angela went to class 5E and I went to class 5D during Junior College years

But you know, on the bright side of things, Angela and I are still BFFs despite of all these obstacles and fate pulling us apart. Its almost as if God trusts that we would stay together that's why he put up in different routes. Routes that were meant for our self-development. We may be in different paths in the future, but we will always be chilling out together for dinnerz or movies. Yay looking forward to your wedding dinner Angela :D

(Angela, if you are reading this, take this as a very early bday card or smth. HAHAHA) I wrote this blog post to commemorate our friendship and may I not forget our times together even if I have dementia when I'm old...We can have wide networks, numerous strategic relationships but we only have few we can call read friends. Who we can trust to have our backs whenever and where ever life takes us. I hereby award the "Best Friend Forever" title to Angela. HAHAHA. Well I am currently making real good friends with various cliques and I pray it would stay as strong as this.


P.S. Really into the idea of fate nowaday cuz of the paranormal book I'm reading about demons, time control, fate, destiny etc. And how my life seems to play well nicely on its own... Getting into volunteering one random day as I got bored during the holidays, joining Boon Lay Community Service Interest Group, planning monthly events for old folks home, taking part in Facelift house refurbishment event. It all seems to be things I had to do to prepare myself for this role as project leader in this very awesome project Cyber Kopitiam (senior citizen hub). All as though its fate...I never felt more like I am in the right place doing the right things as I ever been. One day I will look back and I would see the legacy I have left behind for all the senior citizens in Asia. What a day it would be! I wished I had time control powers so I can see that future myself!


  1. Aww! <3 love these heart-warming messages. Glad that we'll always have each other's back. Still can't believe this friendship started when I asked in year 1 "can you be my friend?" lol

  2. Wait... Does this mean I don't get a card on my actually birthday?!



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