

Monday 21 July 2014

Korea 1.0: Pre-trip craziness

The day before korea was a super hectic one. Meeting advisor for discussion over breakfast, pilot test, meeting team member to discuss financials, meeting double date crew for a long-awaited holiday meetup. #pressedfortime

In the end I decided to forgo sleep to get everything done before my Korea sleep. Good decision cuz I had the best monopoly experience with double date crew. First time bargaining for property in a monopoly game hahahaha! Won the game thanks to team work between me and BFF Angela~ 

In order to leave for Korea without worries, I stayed up the whole night to Chiong out silver IT care (sic) stuff. Exhaustion finally caught up to me at around 7am. Then I figured 80% of sample ppt slides should work and I left the 20% for my grp members:) 

Slept a good 2hrs before we went to the airport. This is the crew I'm going Korea with:

On hindsight, it was a good decision to not sleep cuz the plane ride was a total of 8hrs. I just kept sleeping throughout the flight. I was so tired that I din even have the energy to switch my phone to watch video XD 

A good relaxing first day:) #simplepleasuresinlife


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