

Saturday 3 September 2016

River Safari Reunion

A few weeks ago, the good old chairman of Icube (this external volunteering interest group I joined back in my junior college days) called back the alumni, hoping to do a reunion project.

The planning stage
I found it odd that the main purpose of the project was for our reunion. Like at first, we wanted to revive our flagship project - the recycling drive. Im pretty sure everyone was worried about the volunteer recruitment part (because why would university students do such saigang work with no CIP incentive?!) But big boss CC (we call him CC) was busy flying all around the world and couldnt make it to the meetings. So we all went with it for a few weeks... i even did up the marketing materials.. until we finally meet up to thrash out all the issues.

That's when we suddenly switch gears, and changed our project into something that required less manpower & allow everyone to create good memories. Haha in Enactus words, something that is desirable, feasible and viable: an outing to River Safari with disadvantaged children. And of course, the poster and banner I designed never got to see the light of the day :/ I did not really feel good about how the planning went and how partially self-motivated everything was. After all, I learnt that social project should come after need analysis, not out of no where.. But then I had to recognise the dark truth- we did not have the time nor the resources anymore. We cant do recce like we did/ needs analysis research like before. So we applied the quick and easy formula- outing + VWO (like most befriending social projects out there)

Every thing about the planning was very half assed cuz we ain't as free as we were before! (I had already started work right when they decided to switch project agenda). We really did wing it😂😂 right until the day of execution, no one knew where to meet, the names of the teachers or the kids, NOT EVEN THE outing itinerary!! I was worried that this volunteering outing would turn out a disaster. I stayed out of the planning part most of the time so it did not even feel like volunteerism anymore (rather, it felt like some spontaneous clique gathering) 0.0

River Safari Day
But things turned out better than I thought! It was chaotic, but at least the kids are happy and entertained. I worked till I dropped. That was when I finally felt that I was volunteering :D I guess when you are older and busier (managing a bunch of different commitments), the effort you CAN put in is limited no matter how you WANT to. The effort you can put into volunteering will inevitably decrease. Not just because of time,  but also because of lower energy levels 😂😂 So, in order to make our event successful,  it became all about thinking on your feet.

The decided the itinerary and roles right on the spot. I- the more kiddy one of the group- got arrowed to be chief tour guide. Basically, I had to create the atmosphere and guide the kids to where the cross word puzzle clues are. So this introverted me switched gear and unleashed my childish side. I turned into that enthusiastic willy wonka-ish character.

"Hey kids!! The answer for Q2 is here~~!"
"Aww why don't you want to do the crossword, you win prizes you know!"
" wowww amazing!" (And really just showering them with praises and encouragement, just like a kindergarten teacher)

Also, I racked my brain really hard to remember all 20+ names..
30mins later, my spirit started leaving my body. I was sooooo drained. I struggled to put it back and continue acting enthusiastic.

And the returns were totally worth it. Around 1hr later, I made friends with around 10 kids (remember their names and everything). They would come to me and fight to hold my hand/ sit next to me. They would come to me and boast of how many questions they have completed. They would tell me stories of their life...

Looking at how these kids behave made me so nostalgic about my sweet innocent past. I.e.
- how kids would be fascinated by millipedes and other insects
- how kids would ask permission for every single thing (can I go toilet? Can I drink water?  Can I only eat half of this rice? )

Did I mention how it's my first time at river safari? I did not get much chill time to enjoy the scenery though.. it was just too hectic to. The coolest animal I saw was this fish that had a pinocchio-like nose :3 I didn't get to see the hippos though..

So, even though this event wasn't completely altruistic, everything turned out great. The kids had fun, I had fun. It was a great reunion too.

Peace out,

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